Location Montfort

Address data:
Maasbrachterweg 3
6065 NN Montfort

PO Box 40047
7300 AX Apeldoorn

T central number: + 31 (0)88 550 10 00
T direct dial: + 31 (0) 88 550 26 50

About this location

Site Montfort has a partly finished landfill (i.e. partly equipped with a top seal) on which Attero provides pre-aftercare and a partly still operational landfill. The water collected from the landfill is treated at the in-house water treatment plant. Groundwater quality is monitored through analysis of samples from monitoring well pipes near and monitoring drains underneath the landfill. The landfill gas is used to generate energy.

The site features a civic amenity site where residents of surrounding communities can bring their waste. It also features an area for storing and reducing the volume of construction and demolition waste. In addition, the site features a storage and transfer facility for combustible waste, biowaste, green waste, sweepings, soil and building materials, as well as a regional transfer station for white goods and brown goods.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 7 am to 5 pm. 
Last weighing is carried out 30 minutes before closing. 

Waste collection Saturdays and holiday opening hours in 2023/2024

* waste collection Saturdays only for household- and organic waste

Closed/open differently on Due to Opening hours
Saturday 23 december 2023 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Monday 25 december 2023 Christmas Day Closed
Tuesday 26 december 2023 Boxing Day Closed
Saturday 30 december 2023 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Monday 1 january 2024 New Years day Closed
Saturday 6 january 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Saturday 10 february 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Monday 12 february 2024 Carnival Closed
Tuesday 13 february 2024 Carnival Closed
Saturday 17 february 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Saturday 30 March 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Monday 1 april 2024 2nd day of Easter Closed
Thursday 9 may 2024 Ascension day Closed
Saturday 11 may 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Saturday 18 may 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Monday 20 may 2024 Whit monday Closed
Saturday 21 december 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Wednesday 25 december 2024 Christmas Day Closed
Thursday 26 december 2024 Boxing Day Closed
Saturday 28 december 2024 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00
Wednesday 1 january 2025 New Years day Closed
Saturday 4 january 2025 Catch-up day* 09.00 - 15.00

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