What happens to this waste?
We turn biowaste into compost, biosubstrate raw materials, green energy and biomass.
Attero is the market leader in the Netherlands in the field of processing biowaste into compost products and sustainable energy and marketing it. These are Attero's roots.
In Tilburg, Maastricht, Venlo and Deurne we have our tunnel-composting plants; in Wijster and Moerdijk we compost in large halls, and in Wilp we compost in the open air. In Tilburg, Venlo, Wilp and Wijster, we also anaerobically digest biowaste and produce green electricity and green gas from the biogas. The plant at our Venlo site has been expanded with a special two-stage anaerobic digester. This technology offers the possibility of producing biosubstrate raw materials.
In addition to the aforementioned sites, biowaste streams can also be disposed of at our transfer sites in Montfort and Landgraaf.