About this location
Attero's core activities all come together at the Wijster site: waste separation, recycling, energy production from waste-to-energy, anaerobic digestion, composting, regranulate production, water treatment and landfilling.
Trucks deliver the waste to Wijster for processing. At the separation plant, metals, plastic packaging materials and beverage cartons are extracted from the waste for recycling and a non-reusable paper/plastic fraction for use as secondary fuel. The organic fraction from residual waste is digested into green gas. Films, plastics, beverage cartons and tin are sorted at the plastic sorting plant. In our polymer recycling plant, films are converted into regranulates. The remaining waste is incinerated at the waste-to-energy plant's three incineration lines to generate electricity and steam. Part of the steam released is sold to the adjacent Energie Transitie Park (Energy Transition Part), where parties including Noblesse use it in their manufacturing process.
The Wijster site also houses a large anaerobic digestion plant and compost plant for processing biowaste. The biogas from the digester is upgraded to green gas and injected into the gas grid. The Wijster site also features a digester to produce green gas from the organic wet fraction from residual waste that was separated post-collection.
Part of the landfill has been covered; part is still used for landfilling. A pipeline network has been installed in the landfill to extract landfill gas. In a special plant, this landfill gas is upgraded to reach natural gas quality and pumped into the regular natural gas grid as green gas.
In addition, the site features a large water treatment plant where water from the landfill and from the site is treated.
On the landfill, at the highest point of the Drenthe province, stands the striking information centre De Blinkerd. Here visitors can see how Stichting Het Drentse Landschap (a foundation under Dutch law to preserve the landscape of the province of Drenthe), is creating new opportunities for nature to thrive near the Oude Diep brook. There is also information on waste disposal at Attero and the hydrology of a brook valley system.